Jeep JL/JLU/JT PPF Door Sills
Please note, RED areas are for demonstration purposes only, actual Xpel film is clear!
With as many options for door sill protection, we left this alone, until now.
When a customer asks, we do our best to make it happen, ...and we did.
So here are our examples of the PPF door sills. We did these in multiple
pieces for two reasons: (1) the complexity of the Jeep sills is high with lots of
compound curves and few flat surfaces (2) installing pieces in the contact points
makes avoiding the bends and the installation much easier for you, the DIY'er.
We use Xpel Ultimate Plus PPF, at 10mil this is as good as it gets. This is the best
solution if you want to keep the painted areas scratch free and still see paint
through the optically clear PPF. Is it scratch proof? No, but it is very resistant.
Light surface scratches can be removed with just heat. We've even provided a
YouTube video of the installation to make things even easier (Watch Video HERE).
Unlike our wrap vinyl graphics, this PPF will obviously install WET. Xpel is good for up to 10 years. TOOLS FOR THE JOB